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Esther Kläs

texts by Julie Boukobza, Chloe Chignell, Marc Navarro, Ester Partegàs, Francesco Pedraglio, published by Zolo Press, 2024, 304 pages, English

Esther Kläs’ first monograph, clouds spans over 15 years of sculptures, drawings, and performances, and mirrors both the formal impact of each artwork and the conceptual outreach of a collection of gestures, attitudes, movements, and moods happening around the diverse body of work.

With four commissioned contributions by Marc Navarro with Ester Partegàs, Julie Boukobza, Chloe Chignell, and Francesco Pedraglio, and six short, loose texts edited by Elena Tavecchia and Kläs herself, the book is a canvas whose patterns shift following the artist’s elaborated work. What stays hovering in the air are sparks of decisions, constant movements, recurrent repetitions, and propositions.

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