Mark Manders and Robert Ryman in
Rising Light / Frozen Moment
14 December 2024—30 March 2025
Duo exhibition at Museum of Contemporary art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo is home to over 5800 works of art from modern to contemporary, with a particular emphasis on the post-war period. The MOT Collection exhibitions present works from these holdings, adopting a different approach each time to demonstrate the diverse attractions of contemporary art.

On the third floor, Rising Light / Frozen Moment, is the venue for a special showing of work by Leiko Ikemura and Mark Manders staged to celebrate the Museum’s 30th anniversary in 2025. Ikemura’s works, which use surging color and imagery to represent different phases of formation and change in things that exist in this world, and the taut spaces of Mark Manders, capturing stationary moments in time, are joined also by works by both artists from outside the collection, in this standout display to enjoy alongside prints by Komai Tetsuro and others, and paintings by artists including Robert Ryman and Agnes Martin.