Esther Kläs, David Fesl
I will watch with you
15 May—7 July 2024
Center for Contemporary Arts Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
I met Esther Kläs in 2011 at her studio in Brooklyn and David Fesl as a student in 2017 in Prague. Over the years I have collaborated with both artists several times and we have become friends. We have often talked about the artistic process and artworks, which mostly come into being as a result of something we as viewers cannot see.
Both artists work with a different scale. Their works seem to exist on different levels. The installation is subtle, the works keep their distance and communicate with each other rather internally, as if two close acquaintances share the space of one room, each doing their own thing, but present together.
The sculptures and objects on display can be approached with visual understanding. Indeed, they attempt a certain independence from narrative or explanation. Escape from language can be irritating. At this very moment there is a change in perception and a slightly different reality appears, and we are able to re-establish a relationship with what is in front of us.
Curated by Zuzana Blochová in collaboration with Marek Meduna.