Bertrand Lavier
Unwittingly But Willingly
17 September 2021—22 May 2022
Le Consortium, Dijon, France
The two collections of the FRAC Bourgogne and the Consortium Museum taken together hold the most important group of artworks by Bertrand Lavier in France. Appropriately, through the grouping of about thirty artworks from these two collections and presented at the Consortium Museum from September 17, 2021 to May 22, 2022, Unwittingly But Willingly is an exhibition that takes a closer look back at the artist’s career with a survey of about thirty artworks illustrating each of the artist’s chantiers* from the 1980s until now. From the paint-coated objects through the “stacked pieces” to his Walt Disney Productions, Bertrand Lavier’s work questions our relationship with reality and its representation.